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For some reason, we humans are more forgiving of a poorly shot video than we are of one with subpar audio. It’s somewhat understandable because, no matter how visually stunning a video may be, if the message isn’t heard clearly, its effectiveness diminishes. In the worst cases, severe audio issues render a video unusable, resulting in wasted resources.

Audio often takes a back seat when it comes to video production, but it should receive just as much attention as the visuals.

When embarking on any video production, consider some essential questions and guidelines:

Location Matters

  • What audio challenges might arise from the chosen location?

  • Is it in a city with frequent sirens from nearby fire stations or emergency rooms?

  • Are there planes flying overhead due to proximity to an airport?

  • Is the location within an office building where phones will be ringing and business conducted?

Record “Scratch” Audio

Always capture “scratch” audio on the cameras. Your editor will appreciate this, and it can serve as a backup audio in emergencies. Subpar audio is better than no audio.

Invest in a Sound Technician

If your budget allows, opt for a dedicated Sound Technician equipped with specialized sound equipment (audio recorder, lavs, boom mic, etc.). The quality of sound from these purpose-built tools surpasses what you can pick up on a camera.

Back Up Your Audio

Before wrapping up for the day, ensure you back up all audio from the Sound Technician. Memory cards can be lost, accidentally deleted, and more. Take a few minutes to safeguard your work.

Taking these considerations into account will not only make your life easier but also enhance your overall image and the quality of your final product. Happy clients will keep coming back, and you’ll continue to shine in your field.

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